I don't write here as often ss many others. Forgive me. So to do a really quick wrap up since my "Well Crap" post... Liz's cancer is under control, I think. She had a kidney removed in September. Follow up testing revealed concerns with liver, ovary, gall bladder and lung. Surgery to remove (remaining) ovary and gall bladder in outpatient surgery lead to a 3+ weel hospital stay starting Thanksgiving week and endng last week. Still watching the other spots for now, optimistically. Focus now is on Liz's recovery from the Nov 23 surgery and complications, but she's definitely on the upswing.
Liz got "the Cancer" (I still whisper when I say that) in August, and sister Maggie also had the same kidney cancer in '02. I decided to get some testing done and am in the clear, as is my sister Mary Pat. I heard one unsubstantiated report that there is a high incidence of kidney cancer in people who grew up in Iowa. Maybe being around farm chemicals? Who knows? Maybe it's our family or maybe it's our specific town where we grew up (right by the grain elevator and pneumonia tanks?) or maybe it's nothing. Probably nothing.
Thanksgiving was me in Iowa with Liz and Mom. DB and the kids here in CT making do. They did great, but I was determined to make up for it at Christmas. So we had a very lovely Christmas Eve (2 church services!) and Christmas Day. Food, love, celebrating the Christ Child, and being together. Today, the 26th, a little time at the mall, afternoon naps, dinner and watching college bowl games with a dear friend. All in all, a very happy time.
I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season!
Peace, kk
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
2 weeks ago